When a company is registered without a reserved name, its registration number automatically becomes the company name. This is the quickest way to register a company, however, it will require a Memorandum of Incorporation (MOI) change once a name is selected.
We can help with this process and will firstly need the following information:
+ Full names of directors
+ Ownership % of each director
+ Certified ID copy of each director
+ Postal and physical addresses of each director
+ Contact numbers of each director
+ Postal and physical addresses of the business
+ Type of business you want to register, private, public, non-profit, etc.
+ At least 3 different names for the business
+ The financial year-end you want for the business
*If you would like to register a non-profit company or a co-operative, please fill in the enquiry form and we will get back to you with a quote.
Company registrations
Once you’ve submitted all the documentation necessary for the registration, we will:
+ Ensure all supporting documents are acceptable to CIPC
+ Apply for the registration and submit the supporting documents to CIPC
+ Tracking the application and ensuring it is successfully processed
Enquire for custom pricing
When a company is registered without a reserved name, its registration number automatically becomes the company name. This is the quickest way to register a company, however, it will require a Memorandum of Incorporation (MOI) change once a name is selected.
**Should all 4 names suggestions already be reserved, or are too similar to existing company names, then a new application will need to be lodged. You will, therefore, have to re-request us to assist and pay another application fee.
Name reservation
We can help with this process and will:
+ Determine all the details regarding the names the directors would like to apply for
+ Apply for the name reservation
+ Track the name reservation
Enquire for custom pricing
All companies and close corporations are required by law to lodge their annual returns and Financial Accountability supplement (FAS) with CIPC within a certain time period every year.
Non-compliance with annual returns may lead to deregistration.
For a company with turnover up to R 1million
We will:
+ Confirm your annual turnover for each year outstanding
+ Determine the CIPC fee due for each year outstanding
+ Confirm the company and director information with you and if you require any updates ( charged separately for address or director/member amendments if required )
+ Facilitate the payment of the CIPC fee
+ File your annual return
*The price excludes any penalties charged by CIPC for late submission
Enquire for custom pricing
For a company with turnover between R 1m and R10million
We will:
+ Confirm your annual turnover for each year outstanding
+ Determine the CIPC fee due for each year outstanding
+ Confirm the company and director information with you and if you require any updates (charged separately for address or director/member amendments if required)
+ Facilitate the payment of the CIPC fee
+ File your annual return
Enquire for custom pricing
If a company changes or restructures and Directors or Members join or leave, these changes will need to be lodged at CIPC via an amendment process.
Add/remove director/member
We can help with this amendment process and will:
+ Determine all the details regarding the company and the directors/members
+ Compile all supporting documents that are necessary for the registration
+ Ensure all supporting documents are acceptable to CIPC
+ Apply for the registration and submit the supporting documents to CIPC
+ Tracking the application and ensure it is successfully processed
Enquire for custom pricing
The registered address or office of a company is very important, as it is the address at which any legal documents will be served on the company. Companies are required by law to ensure that this information is up to date, and may be liable for a fine or prosecution if it is found that the information is not up to date.
Change of address
We can help with this process and will:
+ Request the new company physical and postal address and the date the company moved
+ Make the relevant change for you on the CIPC platform
Enquire for custom pricing
Once a name reservation has been approved, the company must lodge a notice of amendment of the memorandum of incorporation (cor15.2). Please note that any changes to an MOI must be accompanied by a special resolution adopted at a shareholders meeting authorising the name change.
**Should all 4 names suggestions already be reserved, or are too similar to existing company names, then a new application will need to be lodged. You will, therefore, have to re-request us to assist and pay another application fee.
Change of company name
We can help with this process and will:
+ Determine all the details regarding the directors are up to date on CIPC
+ Apply for a name reservation, where necessary
+ Track the name reservation
+ Change the Company name (after name reservation has been approved)
Enquire for custom pricing
There are different Enterprise Disclosure options available to request from the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC), namely:
Company documents
We can help with this process and will:
+ Determine all the disclosures required by the company
+ Collect all supporting documents necessary for the request
Apply for disclosure
+ Track the application to ensure they are successfully processed
Enquire for custom pricing